Treat this as a Dispatch from Darjeeling. Here you will find tales about your teas, fables about the tea estate, legends about its birds, trees, and animals, and stories about the people who work so hard to prepare it.
Bird songs do not come with a transcript, yet the heart understands and recognises the language clearly. Selim Hill is house to many varieties of birds. Dorje Teas constantly draws inspiration from these natural tweets with or without the blue ticks.
Dorje Teas believes that carbon credits are our allies in the fight against climate change. Take a moment to appreciate the quirky, superhero-like qualities of carbon credits. They may not wear capes, but they sure know how to save the day—one metric ton of CO2 at a time.
We have all, at sometime or another, wondered why a certain thing is called by a certain name. Sometimes our very own name has an unfamiliar and strange ring to it. Yet, it is our most favourite thing in the world.
Wandering through the meandering roads of the hills of Darjeeling, I come across some unusual and quaint names.
As the Mulberry trees start fruiting deliciously, children and birds chirp endlessly. Spring has truly arrived. For me the treat is to watch these customers wait patiently (or is it impatiently) for the fruit to ripen. Every once in a while, someone tastes the fare to check – not everyone likes sweet, some like it sour after all.
The walls at Second Chance House remind me of a cave. They are really thick. In fact, each wall is a foot and a half thick! Made in a special masonry style (now a lost art), it is made only of small and large stones which are put together in a special way. No cement has been used. How does it stand? I don’t know, but it sure has been able to stand the test of time for more than a century.
I like to plant flowers that are nectar laden. The relationship between the bees and the flowers, their dance and passion elevate the simple act of eating to an extremely stylish and exotic show and ceremony. However, if your show of flowers is chemical fertilizer and pesticide laden, the bees will simply transfer their ‘buzzziness’ to some other less poisonous place.
The “imperial plucking method” in China is quite elaborate. Tea is plucked in secrecy by young virgins (they say) with golden scissors and kept in golden baskets following very confidential methods of preparation. At Selim Hill, each woman is special and exotic in her own right. We do not use golden scissors or golden baskets. Our tea garden is not a hideout. Yet, we revere the magic that the moon conjures up.
Visitors to Second Chance House know it is not a homestay or a resort. In fact, we are all outsiders and graciously need to co habit with the many insects, small and large creatures and the original people of Selim Hill Tea Estate.
A house becomes a home when its hearth is shared by friends and family. As I share a pot of Dorje Teas with lawyers, doctors, artists, philosophers, writers, thinkers, friends and family, I know each has been sent as “a guide from beyond”.
Regular enquiries for homestays in the Kurseong/Darjeeling area led us on a hunt so that we could make suggestions to Darjeeling Tea Lovers. After visiting many homes, we stumbled upon a real gem – 11 Monteviot Homestay.
Needless to mention are the beautiful Selim Hill Tea Estate tea bushes, putting out their bounty on acres and acres of land. From birth to death, from marriage to divorce, from meeting to greeting, from winning to losing, from party to party…… the one thing that is common, is a cup of tea.
When I am on the swing, there is this constant feeling that if I kick hard enough, I can touch the sky. As I look out at tea bushes of Selim Hill Tea Estate, I get the feeling that if we work hard enough, we can swing fortune to our side and make Dorje Teas a household name.
The beauty of creation can be most obviously felt during Spring. New ideas and thoughts are pushing their way out. New leaves on the branches look spanking smart in their brand-new attire. There is joyous celebration in the surrounding buzz and chirp. This light green colour is the colour of innocence and inexperience. The fluorescent shade is like a flag that is being waved at the world to announce a new day and a new way. This green is called Lime Green or simply Spring Green.
Tea gardens are women centric. The gentle flick of the wrist to pluck the two leaves and bud is combined with the strength needed to climb up and down the mountain with the basket full of leaves. And all the while she is probably planning what to cook for lunch and dinner! Approach one of them and you will see a wide smile as if her task is as simple as drinking a cup of tea. Very few rise to the level of Sardaar. This is reserved by the men for men only.
Waiting for the celestial nectar to kiss our beloved tea bushes is a lesson in patience and humility. The darkened clouds hover over us building hope, some streaks of lightening light up our eyes, but the wind entices them away to another land. We are left stranded outside the circle of love and fulfilment.
In today’s fast paced life, it is always a race against time. We understand that a lot of things have to be on the GO. At Dorje Teas, we do not believe in tea bags.
Instead we have come up with the Dorje Easy Brew, On the Go Packs.
Humankind has always been on the hunt for happiness and beauty. At Dorje Teas, we spend time pondering on such treasured emotions. After much thought and effort, we present you with a cup of tea which conveys ideas such as love, happiness, and beauty - the Dorje Hibiscus Tea also represents life and vitality.
Of course, you have been drinking Goodricke Tea for years and feel quite comfortable and do not want to change. However, we urge you to try Dorje Teas for the following reasons –
Almost all relationships are need based. However, need is not the only factor that ties us to each other. Sometimes there is a shared experience, belief in the same values and ideas or just a tug from another lifetime.
After much research, trial and error, we have come up with the Darjeeling Gold Roasted Milk Tea. It has the goodness and style of Darjeeling Tea on the one hand, and the familiar taste of milk and sugar on the other hand. The Darjeeling Gold Roasted Milk Tea Is the first and only one of its kind.
Why should tea be only green in colour? What if it was the colour of dark blue skies and dark mysterious water? The Dorje Blue Pea Mint Tea has been created for those who want to break boundaries and go beyond the age-old traditional.
Marigold flowers are known as the ‘Herbs of the Sun’. These bright, cheerful things are perfect to inject an air of positivity into any day. At Dorje Teas, we realise that sometimes you need a reliable and familiar smile. The Dorje Marigold Tea is a celebration of positivity and happiness.
Jasmine tea is the most popular blend of Chinese tea and has been produced for more than 700 years. It was first produced during the Sung dynasty, by plucking the jasmine flowers as soon as they begin to bloom. This tea was reserved only for the elite, however, Dorje Jasmine Tea is available and affordable for everyone.
Living in West Bengal would be incomplete with the gondhoraj lemon – The king of scents. Dorje Teas decide to use this aromatic brew to provide a heady experience for the senses. In addition to being tasty, it is a great way to boost immunity. We present you with Dorje Gondhoraj Lemon Honey Tea
In ancient times lavender was used as a holy herb. On further research, Dorje Teas realised that this gorgeous flower symbolizes purity, quietness, elegance, calmness, deluxe and Royalty. It was only natural that we should combine our Darjeeling Tea and come up with an exotic blend – Dorje Lavender Tea
Our Rose Tea Blend is made using dehumidified Rose petals instead of any essential oils. This subtle tea blend is prepared with Organic Green Teas from the legendary Selim Hill Tea Garden in Darjeeling.
The most important event after the birth of a child, an idea or a company is the name that is given to it. Simple as it sounds, the name ‘Dorje’ ticked all the boxes. Sitting among the clouds, like the thunderbolt, we want to be unbreakable, durable and eternal.
The natural tendency of an orchid is to flower upside down. Gazing at its beauty made me think of all the different perspectives that life can have. It would be interesting, every once in a while, to change our viewpoint and look at things upside down. Maybe that is where the solution lies!
The greatest comfort humans have is probably the fact that the earth keeps rotating at the same pace. The sun rises and sets every day. Though the sun’s journey remains the same, human voyage is ever changing and keeps altering human perceptions. On the Darjeeling Hills, sunsets and sunrises are exactly the same and yet so different.
Darjeeling has always been well-known for its oranges. Come winter and everyone in Calcutta starts looking for the sweet Darjeeling oranges. I love a marketplace with its overflowing abundance of bounty. However, it cannot be compared to the sensuousness of watching oranges ripen on the tree. Until autumn, it seems no different from the many other trees that stand on the Himalayan slopes….after that there is an altogether different vibe to the tree.
If you do eat or drink too much caffeine, it can cause health problems, such as restlessness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, fast heart rate and anxiety.
From the corner of the eye, you can see the butterfly flitting about. As it floats in the air, you can feel certain memories float to the surface of your psyche. No wonder the Greek call this creature ‘Psyche’. With eyes wide open, the butterfly coaxes you to day- dream a bit and acknowledge your secret desires.
After some deliberation and thought, we decided the time was right to transport the tree to a more familiar destination. On its way from Calcutta to Darjeeling, I wonder if the tree felt scared, excited, nervous……or was it stoic like a tree is. Last year, during monsoon, the tree was planted at Second Chance House – a place for second chances at opportunities and happiness.
Prime Minister Modi gifted Darjeeling Tea to Queen Elizabeth. What about you?
Are you looking for a gift for a loved one?
Throughout the year, for different reasons and different seasons, we show our love through gifts. However, it is time to rethink the idea of gifting – Our gifts should reflect out thoughtfulness and mindfulness.
It was then time for a long walk before sunset. Day turned into dusk and conversation meandered through politics, family, friends and business (we are Marwaris you know). As night approached and the sky switched on the stars, I was content that I had spent the day well. God willing, we will keep the Sunday sacred at Second Chance House in Selim Hill Tea Estate.