A Little Bird Told Me

“A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
This Chinese proverb is so true. As I hear the birds chirp, or fly around creating a ruckus, even quarrelling sometimes, it reminds of a mind space which has so many thoughts that are flying around. Some are brightly coloured and catch our attention. While following that thread, there pops another one because of its beautiful melody. Yet another memory comes to the fore-front flapping its large wings just by its sheer size, a small, tiny one puts a smile on my face as it peeps out through the leaves.
The company of these birds always directs my thoughts to simpler and purer ways of living.
Ironically, “God loved the birds and made trees, Man loved the birds and made cages.” Man’s arrogance and folly is such that it trains a parrot in a cage to talk. He is so thrilled with this idea that he then trains his children in the exact fashion. In reality, birds are nature’s ideas that have been put out in the open so that you can imagine without limit. Spending some time, watching a woodpecker pecking or an eagle lazily fly overhead relaxes your mind and before you know it, out of the blue, you have found the missing piece and worked out the puzzle in your mind.
Think about the cuckoo who leaves its young in the nest of another. While a crow eats the young one that has died in the nest. Yet some birds test the capability of the male to make a strong nest. Through the rough and the smooth, all the while, these birds have a song to sing. Reminds of an old song -
“though quite intent in their pursuit,
They have a merry tune to toot.”
Birds link the earth to the heavens. They act as messengers between the two worlds. Sometimes, they bring you international news when they migrate from one place to another. But, the greatest news is when you suddenly see a huge hornbill loudly announcing its arrival. That is the unexpected beauty of birds you never know which one will call on you and one which day. Best to be well- dressed with your best intentions.
Human beings are tied to the earth with gravity, their greed and their arrogance. These chains become heavier with happiness and sorrow. Yet birds quietly weather the stormiest of storms and sing their most beautiful song to symbolise the end of the storm. The lightness of heart lifts them heavenwards.
Bird songs do not come with a transcript, yet the heart understands and recognises the language clearly. Selim Hill is house to many varieties of birds. Dorje Teas constantly draws inspiration from these natural tweets with or without the blue ticks.
Write to me at Editor@Dorjeteas.com
To buy the Dorje Chamomile Tea inspired by the hornbills of Selim Hill, click on