Incy Wincy Spider

Just as there are no new stories in the world, only different ways of retelling them, so there is almost nothing man-made that has not been copied from nature. I am talking about the all important World Wide Web without which life is unimaginable.
If you are scared of creepies and crawlies, specially spiders, Selim Hill is not a place for you. This is an enigmatic world of spider webs. You can see looms of them spun thick and hugging the hill sides, you can see them hanging in midair on invisible threads or even huge creative works where the artist sits right in the middle.
Who or what is a spider really? A spider is nature’s method of keeping pests in control. The web is a giant sieve or filter, on which small insects and pests automatically get stuck. It is quite like the imaginary super hero - Spiderman, the one that cleans up by getting rid of the bad guys.
Problems arise when man thinks he is better capable of removing pests with toxic chemical pesticides, these delicate and highly sensitive creatures slowly disappear. In organic Darjeeling, specially Selim Hill, the spider has a safe haven. It makes me wonder - Are we protecting the spider or is it protecting us?
Be wary of a woman too good looking, of a man too rich and of a house too clean. There is something wrong! A house that has no spiders and lizards is an extremely toxic one and you should get out of it as soon as possible.
The popular story of King Bruce and the Spider reminds me quite definitely of our efforts at Selim Hill and with - Keep trying like the spider, do not give up - success is just round the corner.
I want to reassure my readers that spiders have no interest in humans so there is no need to be scared of them. We are too large for them to prey on us. Some spiders like the Black Widow or the Tarantula are highly poisonous but very shy. They do not want to meet us. Their offence is only in self defence.
Although the poem “Will you come into my parlour,” said the spider to the fly has been written as a warning to the fly, when we surf the internet on the World Wide Web, we should we wary of not getting caught on its sticky strands.
If you can leave behind the worldly web, do come up to Selim Hill where you can enjoy a cup of Roasted Flush Dorje Tea while you watch a raindrop hang on the spider web like a pearl hangs on a silver chain.
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