Dive Deep and Climb High

My husband prefers the ocean and I prefer the mountains. He likes activity and I like stillness. I fear water while he is scared of heights. It seems like a magnetic attraction of opposite polar fields. However, are we really that different or are we intrinsically the same?
As a teacher, I would always advise children to colour mountains brown or green. However, after coming to Selim Hill, I realised that mountains at a distance are never green or brown. Infact, they are different variations of blue. As I see these rolling blue mountains, I cannot help but compare them to the rolling waves of the ocean. While the ocean hides depths of might, the mountains encompass heights of power.
Sitting in Second Chance House above the clouds, it is common to see white clouds settle on the mountains. I am amazed at how akin the clouds are to the froth of the waves as they break at the shore. The water droplets may be in different scientific forms, but they bring the same message – Rejoice with the froth and the clouds before they dissolve into oblivion.
Both the ocean and the mountains are fascinated by the sky. As the sky, looks upon the ocean, the ocean absorbs the sky and imbibes it in its heart. The mountains stretch out and embrace the sky for eternity. This is a unique love triangle where the mountain, the ocean and the sky share the same heartbeat. The trio’s song is the same, only their styles differ.
What is life without a little drama and spice? This element is added by the illuminate – the moon. It is like the maestro who decides the rhythm, melody, harmony and dynamics of this exotic amour. The crescendo is on the full moon night. As the ocean waves surge upwards in excitement, the mountains also flush in the moon’s glory. The monsoon full moon brought yet another harvest of Dorje moonlight white teas.
The rhythmic ocean and the motionless mountains may be paradoxical. However, there is no difference in the peace that pervades your heart when you are in the vicinity of the ocean or the mountain. It is almost as if someone has taken you off the racing track. Both the ocean and the mountain act as a spa for the soul. They cleanse you of negativity.
They tolerate arrogant human follies up to a point. When angered, both flex their muscles and showcase their actual clout. Amazingly, the ocean and the mountain hide many stories and many rivers in their bosom. It is beautiful how the mountain births the river and the ocean makes it immortal. How then are the two different? They are the beginning and end of the same story. They are contradictory, yet complimentary.
As my husband and I shared a pot of Dorje Moonlight White Teas among the clouds, we realised we are essentially the same.
Write to me at Editor@Dorjeteas
Click to buy Dorje Moonlight White Tea
Thank you Maurya for always finding the perfect click for my musings.