Time on the Himalayas

Scorching and sweltering 5th June experienced zero shadow day in Calcutta (Kolkata just does not seem like home). We never know how dependent and attached we are to things until they are taken away from us for even a small amount of time. For me the attachment to the attached shadow is indeed like experiencing time itself. There is a yesterday and tomorrow which changes shape and size. For that one day, it seemed as if we were being asked to practice ‘Shunyata’ which has no beginning or end. Thus, time spins fast while standing completely still.
The natural dichotomy of nature led me to imagine the timelessness of the much cooler Himalayas. Time is a concept as elusive as the Himalayas. The more you learn, the less you know. Both function on so many different levels and the rules keep changing. Do you not feel 16 and 60 at the same time? Yet, I have not hit on your exact age!

Standing on the grounds of the Second Chance House, I gaze at the Himalayas. It is as if I am right at the centre of a time piece while the Himalayas circle around me on all 360 degrees. Within this time loop, there is a sense of serenity. After all, the company you keep influences your thought process. My esteemed company are two giant sages – the Himalayas and Time.
I threw out the question to them – What is the difference between lonely and alone?

The mighty Himalayas echoed back – The difference is the same as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). The lonely person craves company even in a crowd while the loner prefers measuring his shadow no matter how well lit the party is.
Time quipped in without wasting a second – If you are lonely, I become a burden heavier than the Himalayas and more difficult to scale or cross. But if you enjoy being solitary or alone, I melt like the snow on these very Himalayas.
Time is the everchanging constant in our lives and has seen it all. It saw you when you were drawing birds as a ‘V’ in your sceneries. It saw you when you used chalk to colour your unwashed keds. It saw you when you used a stapler to repair a hem. It also saw you when you wore a fancy watch without a battery to a party and pretended it had just stopped when someone asked you the time.
All these secrets and many more, it whispers into the ears of the Himalayas. The wise one absorbs all your sorrows and insecurities and makes you whole and complete. A greater therapist I never knew!
Time reminded me to call for my cup of Dorje Tea. As I gazed at the Himalayas, I thanked it for not expecting me to climb its summit. It never compares, and yet is itself incomparable.
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