May you bear a Thousand Suns
The monsoon clouds had emptied themselves and melted as froth on waves. The hills had partied thunderously and were enjoying a late morning.
The early rising birds, bees and butterflies who have the option of looking at things from above, saw a wondrous sight. They saw the entire hillside glittering with miniscule raindrops. Each was mirroring the sun. The sun preened as it knew that no one and nothing could be fairer than itself.
All worshippers of the sun wanted to freeze this image and put it out for the world to see. A conclave was called and invitations were sent to all the winged creatures. The topic of conversation was ‘A tribute to the Sun’. A large number turned up. Some came for the free food and drinks that had been promised, some came to show off their clothes and jewellery, some came out of curiosity and some for the entertainment. As is the case in most conclaves, there were very few who were really interested in the matter at hand.
The chaos, confusion and cacophony awoke the owl sleeping on a nearby tree. It decided to visit the conference since it was unable to sleep anyway. As it entered, everyone became silent – The wise one had just entered!
The owl asked the pessimists to leave, the optimists were asked to quietly sit at the back of the room while the realists were asked to put forth a plan of action. A project as ambitious as this would require a physical, emotional and spiritual contribution. The generous honeybees were the first to contribute their golden honey for the bright yellow colour of the sun.
The peacocks were asked for their feathers, but they said they were too valuable for a commonplace weed. The crows and drongos stepped in immediately to humbly offer their brunette feathers. The eagle sent out its drone eyes to map the area to scout exactly where the flowers would be planted.
The result was that the mountain side was set aflame with sunflowers. It was as if the sun in its chariot, in all its glory, had descended on to the hills. There was happiness and joy all around.
Van Gogh’s famous Sunflower paintings are about gratitude. It is only fitting that the hills should shout out this message to the sun specially when we hear that sun may be cooling down.
I could not help but notice that these sunflowers were not the hot house variety. These are better known as common weeds. (In a flashback, I was reminded of the yellow and black ambassador taxis of yesteryears). When the multitude rise and show their power, it is a sight and might to behold. May there be a cup of Dorje Teas in every hand as we celebrate the tea bushes of Darjeeling.
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