
6th January saw the super moon rise on the horizon. The first full moon of the year 2023. Blood red in colour, it rose perfectly and elegantly, copying the sun unabashedly. After all, emulating is the best form of flattery. Known as the wolf moon, it reminds me that I am an animal too. Something about its perfect shape, demeanour and attitude has a magnetic pull and I find myself locked in a hypnotic gaze.
Just as childhood changes into youth gently, so the moon changes from red to silver. Its regal climb pushes the stars to the side lines as it claims the earth possessively and bathes it in the light of its complete adoration. Possessiveness is the greatest folly of humans. I am reminded of the story of wanting to own the moon – the one about falling into the well to acquire the moon. Fearing that I may become of victim of Moon Madness, I avert my gaze and go inside for a while.
How contradictory the situation felt. It was deep into the night, yet there was bright light. The moon seemed so close that if I stretched a little, I would catch hold of the string that helps it stay afloat. In reality, if I tried these antics, I would probably simply fall off the cliff!
The winter sky on the hills is clear and cloudless. I came out into the garden once again as the moon beckoned me through the window. Lo and behold, what a sight awaited me! There was a ring of light around the moon. It looked like a halo encircling the moon. Was I partially asleep? Was this a vision? Had I discovered something entirely new or was I simply going loony? I waited for a heavenly declaration or prophecy.
When no one speaks or answers your question, google always steps up. As I typed what I had seen, I was relieved to see that I was not yet insane -
The moon's halo or lunar halo is an optical illusion that causes a large bright ring to surround the moon. This striking and often beautiful halo around the moon is caused by the refraction of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.
In fact, a halo around the moon is as common as a rainbow. Sunlight and moonlight play with moisture and create a palate of colours known as the rainbow or the moonbow. It seems like a form of Banksy art which is completely anonymous and put up on the walls of the sky.
Scientifically explained tears are just hydrogen and oxygen with some sodium, but anyone who has laughed and cried knows that tears are much more. In the same vein, scientifically the halo around the moon may be a regular occurrence, but I believe every co-incidence is a small miracle. Therefore, this moon, with its halo seems to put Dorje Teas in the spotlight and encourages us to dream on.
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