A Mechanical Marvel

Some names are quite odd. There is no money in the money plant. The peacock has nothing to do with the ‘Princess and the Pea’. The butterfly does not deliver Amul or Nandini butter. The brand ‘Mango’ does not sell fruits. Similarly, the dragonfly does not breathe out fire. It is not associated with knights in shining armour.
In fact, a dragon fly is just the opposite. It is delicate as a wish and nature’s version of a ballerina. It seems that Mother Nature went to craft class and decided to create something beautiful. She made transparent wings out of gossamer. So much did she like them, that she made four wings instead of just two. In each she entrapped a sparkling dew drop.
In her class was her great friend, the mechanical engineer. He was the person developing the chips for all the modern cars and offered to use them on the dragonfly. No wonder their super flexible wings can move independently of each other, letting the dragonfly move up, down, left and right with ease, and even hover in mid-air.
A huge ruckus outside interrupted this beautiful creative splurge. As she went out, all of Mother Nature’s pets – dogs, cats, cows and sheep demanded a solution to the mosquito problem. Too much garbage by humans had escalated the blood thirsty Dracula mosquitoes. Although, she soothed the ruffled feathers, it set her thinking.
Her new creation would be a beauty of thought and of precision. So, the mechanical engineer was urged to acquire the fanciest cameras (preferably IPhone) available and give the dragonfly 30,000 lenses to be able to spot the slightest movement. A sharpshooter was hired to train this creature such that it would never miss its prey. The training continued till it had a 95% success rate.
Amidst thunderous applause, the dragonfly was unveiled and its USP announced - One adult dragonfly can scarf down anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred of these bloodsuckers in a single day. Dragonfly nymphs provide additional population control by snacking on mosquito larvae. The very ponds and water bodies that attract mosquitoes would be the preferred residence of the dragonfly.
The artificial intelligence guys came into the picture and wanted to contribute. Mother Nature put her foot down and said she had already put in real intelligence, also called instinct. In fact, if watched carefully, the dragonfly would have the ability to forecast rain. Do you see a number of dragonflies flying low? You should carry your umbrella.
As I sipped my cup of Dorje Chamomile Tea and watched the dragonflies hovering around, I got the distinct feeling that there were many who were watching out for me and my fantasies. After all, the dragonfly is the perfect example of ‘I am possible’.
Write to me at Editor@Dorjeteas.com
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